
Tagung BSA 2017 in Bozen

Building SImulation Applications
The third Building Simulation Applications Conference – BSA 2017, organised by the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)-Italy and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano with the endorsement of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.(ASHRAE), will be held from 8 to 10 February 2017 in Bozen Bolzano, Italy.

The conference aims to give an overview of the most up-to-date applications of Building Simulation in the following fields:
Building physics: envelope and system components
  • Heat and mass transfer modeling in buildings
  • Building envelope systems and facades, and innovative building materials
  • Air flow, natural ventilation and mixed mode cooling
  • Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) components and systems
  • Building control systems
Integrated performance Building acoustics
  • Lighting and daylighting
  • Indoor environmental modeling: visual and thermal comfort, indoor air quality
  • Net-zero energy building
  • Retrofit/refurbishment of existing buildings
  • Renewable energy technologies for buildings, district heating and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation
Methodologies, regulation, calculation and simulation tools
  • Model validation, sensitivity analysis and optimisation techniques
  • Building codes and regulations, simplified methods versus detailed simulation
  • New simulation tools and improvements in existing simulation tools
  • Integration, interoperability web-based techniques, software development, open source initiatives
  • Advances in teaching and education, eLearning
Target audience
  • Public and private researchers in the general sector of building simulation and energy modelling
  • Public agencies, public utilities and policy makers
  • Private firms: Manufacturers, management companies, utilities, software house
  • Professionals: building designers (architects, engineers, etc.)