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Am 11. Oktober 2022 findet die EUSALP ENERGY CONFERENCE 2022 mit dem Titel Reliable, affordable and sustainable energy in the Alps im NOI Techpark in Bozen statt. Das Programm gestaltet sich wie folgt:

Translation service: English, German, Italian 

Conference, 14:00-18:00  
14:00-14:30 Registration 

14:30-14:40 Official welcome, EUSALP Presidency 2022 
Part I: Political and economic frameworks  

14:40-15:00 Italy´s energy policy vision,  Marilena Barbaro, General Director Energy 
 Department, Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition 

15:00-15:20 European Union's policies to manage energy scarcity, (tbc) 

 15:20-15:40 Raising energy prices: A push for energy efficiency and renewables? 
 Davide Tabarelli, President, Nomisma Energia 

Part II: Recommendations and good practices: How to adopt to energy scarcity 

 16.10-16:50 Presentation of energy dialogue discussions1 
 Mariadonata Bancher, Energy Agency South Tyrol-CasaClima & Alessandro 
 Garofalo ((Garofalo & Idee Associate) 
1 Energy Dialogue Sessions with citizens and stakeholders to collect recommendations on how to 
respond to energy shortages will be organized on 10 October in the autonomous Provinces of 
Bolzano/Bozen and Trento. 

16:50-17:10 Good Practice: Citizen involvement in the energy transition 
 Matteo Mazzolini, Director, Energy Agency Friuli Venezia Giulia 

 17:10-17:30 Good Practice: Measures in municipalities 
 Bruno Oberhuber, Director, Energie Tirol 
17:30-17:50 Good Practice: Measures in enterprises 
 Laura Pedron, Director, Department Economic Development, Research and 
 Labour, Autonomous Province of Trento 

 17:50-18:00 Conclusive remarks 

EUSALP Energy Awarding Ceremony, 18:30-19:30 

 18:30-18:40 Opening of the EUSALP Energy Awarding Session 
 Renato Quartarone, Italian National Coordinator EUSALP, Italian Ministry of 
 Foreign Affairs 
 Flavio Ruffini, Director, Environmental Agency, autonomous Province 

 18:40-18:45 Keynote: Citizens participation in the energy transition 
 Slawomir Tokarski, Director, DG Regional and Urban policy (video message) 
18:45-19:25 Presentation of the winners and handing-over of trophies 
 in presence of DG Regio and the autonomous Provinces of Bolzano/Bozen and 

 19:25-19:30 Conclusive remarks 
 Flavio Ruffini, Director, Environmental Agency Autonomous Province 

 19:30 Family picture 

 Reception and farewell